0808 100 9596
Partnership Building, Hamilton Street, Birkenhead, CH41 5AA
Our office is open Monday to Friday, 9am – 5pm
Magenta Living
Who We Are
Magenta Living is the largest registered housing provider in Wirral and a not-for-profit organisation, owning and managing just under 13,000 properties. Employing around 600 staff, we are a significant local employer demonstrated by Investors in People Gold standard and retaining our Customer Service Excellence certificate.
Our Vision
Vibrant … homes, lives, neighbourhoods
Our Strategic Objectives

Our Values

Our Corporate Plan 2018-2024
Magenta Living`s Corporate Plan 2018-24 sets our strategic direction and priorities by outlining the organisation`s Vision, Values and Strategic Objectives, known as our VIBE.
Download a PDF: Corporate Plan 2018-23.pdf [pdf] 6MB
Our Annual Plan 2022-2023
For each year of the Corporate Plan, an Annual Plan is agreed reviewing progress towards the longer-term priorities. The Annual Plan is supported and underpinned with performance information which Board monitor to measure progress towards the achievement of our Vision.